Thursday, January 5, 2012

7 months

Our sweet Ezra is 7 months old. I don't know how it happened so quickly. He is reaching and grabbing for everything in sight. Ellie and I are wearing ponytails constantly because he yanks out fistfulls of hair otherwise. Yesterday he got a huge Lego stuck in his mouth- the sort of thing that is NOT supposed to be a choking hazard. He seems to have an alarmingly large mouth for a baby; he can fit his whole pacifier in his mouth too. Lately he's doing these push ups; I think he's gearing up for crawling. Yikes! Time to do some more babyproofing!

Eliza is done with naps. She doesn't even nap at school anymore. Instead she goes to "richment", which she is so excited about. And she goes to bed earlier, which means less time in the evenings with her. :( I peaked in on her at school yesterday and she was sitting with her friends "reading" books and looking so grown up. I was going to pick her up early and take her to Costco with me, but she said she'd rather hang out with her friends. Such a big girl.

The last 2 weeks was a blast. We spent most of our time at home, playing on the living room floor. I miss my little buddies today.

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