Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Christmas vacation got off to an early start after Ezra ended up in the ER for a stomach bug. He's fine, in fact he was perfectly smiley the whole time in the ER too (from midnight to 5am, sigh). So, I'm doing my best to work from home yesterday and today. Yesterday it was just Ez and me, like old times. Today, it's all 3 of us and I'm getting decidedly less accomplished. :)

So far my favorite part has been Eliza asking me how to spell "Princesses only allowed" so she could write in on her castle and keep her brother out. Ezra has learned how to clap and is currently jumping up and down in his Exersaucer, clapping while his sister sings Christmas songs. Now they tell me they're going to be putting on a show for me and they're hiding behind the curtain. :) I better go; wouldn't want to miss the show!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

:) Putting on a show--that reminds me of someone else I know & love!