Tuesday, January 31, 2012

8 months

Let's see... what can I tell you about our sweet boy who turned 8 months on Sunday? He's not very interested in crawling these days, and it makes him angry when we put him on his tummy. He doesn't even want us to set him down; he tries his best to keep his legs straight because he wants to walk instead! Now, don't get me wrong. He can't walk yet. Not even close. He lacks balance. But he thinks he can walk. He wants to stand up and hold on to things constantly. If you hold his hands, he'll walk around very proudly. He doesn't want to be fed either. Nope, he wants to do everything himself and he wants to be like the rest of us. Put it near his tray though, and he'll eat anything! He loves chicken; he'll nibble on spinach leaves. Just about any fruit or veggie you give him (bell peppers, cucumbers, sweet potatoes and more), he'll eat, as long as you don't try to feed it to him. We'll see if this independent streak continues! We're using Baby Led Solids this time, instead of lots of purees. Maybe this will lead him to be a more adventurous eater! Sweet Sister, on the other hand, continues her streak of ham and apples; at least she's done with salami and canteloupe- that phase lasted for months!!

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