Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mind your Ps and Hs

Eliza is starting to notice that letters are all around her. It reminds me of when I first learned to read and I felt like the whole world suddenly revealed itself to me; I can't wait to watch her have that same experience. Eliza is quite the little chatterbox in the car. Well, she's quite the chatterbox everywhere, but it's especially noticeable in the car, as I am usually trying to focus on my driving and she's asking questions a mile a minute! A couple of months ago she started to notice the P and H signs around town and asked what they meant. Now, every time we pass one, she yells, "Mom, there's a hospital nearby! Mom, there's a parking garage nearby!!" I should mention we pass approximately 10 of these signs just on our way to campus. :) Never a dull moment around here!

On another note, El and I went to a birthday party on Sunday. I reintroduced her to our friend, Sara. Eliza says, "Oh, I know her. Last year at this party her baby threw up everywhere." And he totally did! You never know what's going to stick with them!

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