Friday, February 14, 2014


I was cleaning out Eliza's backpack last night and came across a note.  Eliza had written down two wishes: that Martin Luther King, Jr. hadn't died and that everyone in the world had enough money. Made me feel like we were raising a pretty sweet kiddo.  :)

Ezra went back to the ENT this week, at his speech therapist's request, for another round of hearing tests.  They must have done seven different tests on him and he was such a trooper.  His hearing is so much better than it was a few months ago, but he still has some conductive hearing loss in both of his middle ears.  The ENT started him on allergy meds, so hopefully that will help.  We go back to the ENT in another month.  Ms. Jayne thinks that may be why his language is doing much better but some of his sounds are still not developing.  He brought his moose puppet with him to the appointment and checked his ears too. 

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