Thursday, July 11, 2013

JJ Baby

The kids got haircuts this weekend.  They look so much older after a haircut; it sort of depresses me.  Ezra's BFF had a baby sister last week.  Ever since I showed him her picture, Ezra has been carrying a doll around the house saying, "This JJ baby."  He feeds it, pats it on the back to go to sleep, the whole nine yards.  When he saw Lillie in person this week, his eyes got really big.  Eliza's swimming has improved dramatically the past few weeks.  She's been floating on her back a lot and swimming under water with her eyes open.  It's so thrilling to watch them learn new things.  The four of us went swimming last night and it was so much fun.  It's much more relaxing now that at least one of them can swim and the other is more likely to be convinced to wear his Puddle Jumper.  I still can't really take them anywhere more than 2 feet deep alone, but we're making progress!

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