Monday, April 1, 2013

Funny girl

There are two songs currently being played on the radio a lot with the lyrics, "Keep your head up." Eliza cracked us up the other day after we met a newborn friend and she said, "Babies should listen to this song." :)

She's also been singing Gangnam Style a lot lately.

So the current fashion statement for the sorority girls on campus is to wear an extra large t-shirt with short running shorts.  One of the part time teachers at preschool, Ms. Emily, is a sorority girl.  (Side note: She's one of the Chi Os we met when they invited us to take shelter with them during the bomb scare.  She applied for a job at the preschool shortly thereafter.) When I picked Eliza up Thursday, one of the teachers said, "I was in a bad mood until I saw Eliza today.  She asked Ms. Emily in front of everyone, "Why don't you ever wear pants?!"  Ms. Emily apparently said, "I wear shorts, see?" to which Eliza replied, "Well, no one can see those!"  Mr. Steven said Eliza just said what everyone else had been thinking for months.

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