Monday, January 28, 2013


Eliza has been picking out her own clothes for quite some time.  (Side note: she hates "bumpies" in her socks or in her hairdos) Sometimes she looks ridiculous, but many times we look at her unusual choices and say, "She totally made that work!" Her latest trend is for her entire outfit to be in the same shade.  This morning she's wearing a denim dress with denim jeans.  She proclaimed, "This looks so good!!" Ha.  The other day she was wearing head to toe purple and got her purple socks wet.  S told her to change them.  "But, but, I don't have any other clean purple socks!!"  Tragic. 

Speaking of clothes, when I found out Ezra was a boy, I started perusing the boy sections of various stores.  I was annoyed by the fact that 90% of the boys section seems to involve sports, animals or transportation.  I bought none of it.  I did my best to dress Ezra in other outfits.  But guess what?  Turns out all of the clothes are like that because that's what boys want to wear.  Ezra would much rather wear his dog shirt or his bulldozer pants than the stuff I pick out.  This lesson feels familiar.  I used to avoid dressing Eliza in pink and was annoyed at how princessy most of the girls' stuff was and surprise, surprise, that's what she likes too.  If I had unlimited funds and less opinionated children, I'd dress them both in head to toe Baby Gap or LL Bean.  But I don't.  So, I'll let them express themselves- as long as it's weather appropriate, of course. 

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