Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I probably say this a lot, but I can't get over just how different our two kids are.  They look very similar but that's where the similarities end.  Ezra is already riding Eliza's scooter, just shy of 18 months.  We got it for Eliza when she was three and it took her a while to be able to balance on it.  He's also putting legos together, something that Eliza did around age 3.  On the other hand, at his age, Eliza was already talking a LOT and Ezra still speaks mainly in onomatopoeia.  I have a feeling Eliza will be a liberal arts major and Ezra will be an engineer. 

Monday, November 26, 2012


Ezra's language has started to explode this past week.  He's said goat, hello, close, down and more.  Just now he wanted me to get the blocks down for him and I said, "Not now, it's too messy."  He looked straight at Eliza and said, "Liza!  Get it down!"  Already learning how to work the system. :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Our sweet girl turned five today.  In some ways it feels like it happened so very quickly and yet in other ways it feels like she's been part of us forever and I can't remember life without her. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election Night

This is one of those stories that will probably be funny later.  So, Election Night we're watching the results roll in state by state as the kids sleep.  Waiting anxiously for them to call Florida and Ohio.  Then, we hear Ezra making a weird noise.  Yup, he was throwing up again.  So, S grabs him, takes him in the shower and cleans him up.  Poor baby fell back asleep in the shower.  I wrap him in a towel and get him ready for bed again, while he sleeps through the whole thing.  S starts to wearily clean up the kitchen as we realize we probably have a long night ahead.  The tv is on the whole time.  At one point I pop into the living room to grab something and see Obama's picture on the screen- Projected Winner.  "Honey, come here!"  We had a nice few moments of celebration.  Then Eliza woke up with a high fever.  Turns out she has strep.  We got her some Tylenol, warmed her up and as she's drifting off she says, "Mama, do we know if Obama is the winner yet?"  So cute.  And a very nice silver lining this week.  By the way, turns out if a toddler vomits on your head on Monday, you will most definitely have the stomach bug by Wednesday night.  Sigh.  Good news is I took one of Ezra's anti nausea pills today so I could go to work (since today is application deadline day- a day I could not miss!!) and I haven't barfed on a single student yet and it's almost quitting time.  Unfortunately school did call about 1pm today and Eliza's fever is back and 103.3.  I snuck her into my office temporarily until S good get here to pick her up.  Did I mention I hate cold and flu season??? Reminding myself that by the time they get to elementary school they should have rock solid immune systems.  Poor sweet little babies. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I can't believe it's already been 4 years since the last election.  I remember very clearly holding a sleeping, almost one year old Eliza in my lap in bed as we watched the results roll in.  S had lost his job the week prior.  The clients for the house he was working on worked in the financial industry and when the industry imploded, the clients lost millions and stopped the plans for the house overnight.  Everyone in his office working on that project was immediately laid off.  Without getting too political, we definitely needed hope at the time and I was shocked and ecstatic that Obama was elected. 

We're certainly better off than we were four years ago.  And of course we now have another little 1 year old to love on.  Eliza knows all about the election and keeps asking if we know who won yet.  She also wants to know why we need to vote again and why can't we just let Obama be the President forever?  I'm trying to explain democracy and term limits to her. 

Probably what I'll remember from this Election Day is that Papa and Grammy had just moved into a new house, in the Austin area.  Eliza couldn't be more excited about having them closer and of course we are too.  Grandma and Grandpa are about to leave for a cruise in Europe.  S is crazy busy at work but that's much better than the opposite!  I've been very busy at work too because application deadlines were extended by a week thanks to the LSAT results being delayed due to Sandy.  Hardly something I can complain about, considering what the East coast is going through, but such an unprecedented thing (application deadlines are never extended in my industry!) that I'm sure I'll remember it when the next election rolls around.  And I'll also remember Election Day 2012 as the day our little Danger Ranger fell off the bed.  :(  I feel awful about it, but I'm also surprised it took this long, with all his shenanigans!  The week started off with Ezra coughing so hard he threw up in his crib.  So, in a sleepy haze, I brought him into our bed (where he later threw up directly on me, ah, Motherhood).  Then I woke up to the horrible thud of him crawling off the bed.  So, he'll spend this Election Day with a big lump on his forehead.  Poor baby. 

I have a feeling four years from now Eliza will still be just as spunky and Ezra will still be just as much of a daredevil. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Halloween was a lot of fun.  Eliza totally has trick or treating down and she was excited to show her brother this year.  (Last year Ezra slept through the fun)  This year they both had their plastic pumpkins and were ready to roll.  Ezra kept trying to walk into people's houses, which makes total sense.  And he loves dumping out containers lately so he was excited about dumping out his candy over and over, sometimes on the sidewalk.  Eliza was bouncing off the walls she was so excited about trick or treating.  They both had fun at their parties at school too and we also went to a carnival at a nearby elementary school with friends and a Halloween event (boo zoo) at the Austin Zoo.  This has nothing to do with Halloween but my favorite part of the day was actually watching Eliza do the monkey bars successfully!  She kept trying until she could go all the way across!  I thought my heart would burst with pride.  :)  Wish I had gotten a video, but I was busy spotting her!!