Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Deep questions

A few months ago Eliza asked why we had to go to school/work that day. I told her it was the first day of school for my students, and I needed to help them find jobs. That was the first time I was specific about what I do at work. She responded, "Why don't you just tell them 'you get what you get and you don't throw a sh*t!'"? This is a little adage they use at her school a lot (obviously they say "fit" instead of "sh#t"; it is a church school after all and she didn't seem to realize she'd said a bad word.) I told her that was an interesting philosophy for career counseling, although it does make sense in our current economy. :) Fast-forward a few months. Yesterday we are at an intersection and there's a panhandler. Eliza wants to know what his sign says. I told him it said he needed a job and he didn't have any money. She said, "can you help him, Mom?" I assumed she meant monetarily and said I didn't have any cash with me. Then she said, "but you help people find jobs, right?" I sat there kind of dumbfounded. It had never occurred to me to help panhandlers find jobs, but she has a point.


kingdomforavoice said...

I think you just gave me an idea for a reality tv show.

Julia said...

Gah! That little girl of yours is SO smart! Please give her a hug from me. :) Miss y'all!