Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sleep Fighter

Eliza is figuring out how things work and is getting better and better at trying to fool her loving parents. Yesterday while trying for an hour to get her to take a nap, she made each of the following pleas:

"Liza no sleepy. No nap."
"I need fooooood!!!"
"Drink, drink, DRINK! Chocolate milk. Please!!!"
"My mouth hurts."
"My check hurts."
"My eye hurts."
"Tummy hurt."
"I need bandaid."
"Change diaper!"
"I need to potty."
"I need snack."
"I need to rock."
"More books. Read!"
"It's hot!"
"I need ice!"

And no, we didn't fall for the majority of these. And yes, we finally got her to sleep. Whew.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Wow! She is creative and persistent! What a little cutie! I can't wait to see y'all in two weeks for her birthday! :)
Is there anything that she is wanting, or y'all are hoping she will get? I can find some cute stuff, but if you have something in mind, I would love to get that! :)