Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My current top 10 favorite things to hear Eliza say:

10. Chocolate milk
9. Tickle Tickle Little Star
8. Phin
7. Yellow
6. Meow
5. Hey Mimi
4. Chicken Dance
3. More coffee?
2. beep beep
1. hug

She says each of these in her own special way. And no, we don't really put chocolate in her milk, but she drinks more if we pretend that we are. :) She says chocolate milk with the biggest hick accent! And there's no convincing her it's twinkle twinkle instead of tickle tickle. She says her friend Phin's name like "feen". And yellow is "lellow". She refuses to say cat, just says meow, but her meow sounds like the cat is seriously ill. Her chicken dance is getting more accurate all the time and she often asks us to do it with her. Yesterday she asked us if we'd like some more coffee in the cutest little voice. I gave her a sip and she didn't hate it. Uh oh.

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