Monday, January 12, 2009

Health kick

It occurs to me that now might be a good time for S and I to start eating more healthy foods. This morning as I grabbed a brownie for breakfast on my way out the door, Eliza pointed to the brownie and said, very clearly, "bite." So of course I gave her bite because she did use her words, after all. Then I felt guilty for setting a bad example and eating such crap! She's also learning to kick her balls around the house. It's pretty entertaining because she misses often but tries very hard!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Haha, that's funny. At least you are aware that it's not healthy...that's a start! :) But I mean you grew up always eating cake for breakfast and you turned out great, so if Ellie eats brownies for breakfast, no biggie, right? hehe. Cute story.
Tell Eliza that her kickball playing aunt said keep up the hard work! It's never too early to start the fundamentals of kickball! :)