Thursday, December 18, 2008


Eliza is at such a fun age! When she wants a bite of something you're eating she says "mmmmhhh!!!" very loudly. Expose your midriff and Eliza will blow a raspberry on your stomach. She says "cheese" and poses for pictures. She hides in her fort and then pops out and says "Ta-da!" She walks around holding her shirt up and yelling "belba!" to show you her belly button. She brings you books she wants you to read to her and sometimes "reads" them back to us. She's always on the "phone" (I really don't recommend letting her borrow your real phone... mine has never been the same :)) or dancing around to her CDs. ~T


Michelle said...

Yeah, she's just started a REALLY fun age! Up to about 18 months or so, they're just so darn CUTE and funny! And SMART little sponges! :o)

One of Jim's cousins warned me that 18-24 months is rough. E turned 18 months old last week, and seriously, it's like a switch was flipped or something! Maybe it's just because he's been sick, but OMG EVERYthing is cause for drama! Enjoy the next few months...I sure miss 'em!! :oD

Julia said...

How fun! I cant wait to see yall and soak up her cuteness! :) Thanks for the updates! Love y'all!

Linda said...

Eliza is at a great age - always learning new things and so proud of themselves. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!