Thursday, August 29, 2013

Flying L

I totally meant to post this about a week ago, complete with lots of cute pics of the kids on horses, etc. but the pics are not on my phone and the post just didn't happen.  So, we capped off summer with our annual trip to Flying L Ranch.  This was our 3rd year.  It was our first year with just the four of us, usually it's a company sponsored trip but we went to a different ranch for that this year.  Eliza talks about Flying L all year so when we found out the company retreat wasn't there this year, we knew we wanted to go as a family instead.  I actually liked it better this way!  It was much more relaxing!  Eliza was super excited to see Mr. Buck, the guy at the ranch who leads the wagon rides, sings and plays guitar around the campfire during s'mores each night, etc.  I pulled Mr. Buck aside and told him that Eliza thought the two of them were super close so he went right up to her and said, "Eliza! Good to see you!" and she thought that was way cool.  Both kids got to ride the ponies this year (Brownie and Jelly Bean) and both kids were very into the water park.  Since we didn't have to go to the fancy company dinner on Saturday night, we got to go to "Ghost Town" and see a sheep dog in action, live music, face painting, archery and some pretty cool rope tricks. On the way home we stopped at Firehouse Subs and the kids traded in their cowboy hats for fire fighter hats instead. 

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