Friday, May 10, 2013

So long, training wheels!

Our little girl hit a major milestone last month!  She learned to ride a bike sans training wheels.  It happened much quicker than I thought it would.  One week night (the night Eli and I went to see David Sedaris) S decided to adjust Eliza's training wheels so that they wouldn't be on the ground anymore.  He thought she might be freaked out by seeing the training wheels totally off.  It worked like a charm!  He took both kids to a parking lot nearby and said she made it a few feet by herself.  (Of course I was mortified to have missed it but he swears he never thought she'd actually be able to do it right away) The next night we all went back to the parking lot.  He pushed her and off she went.  Without an hour she was going probably 50 yards without stopping!  He detached her training wheels and let her know she'd been riding without them for 2 days.  (Ezra kept trying to reattach them with tools, ha!)  We've been 4 or 5 times now and she even went all the way around lake park the other night.  She also got a kick out of showing off for both sets of grandparents recently.  Ezra has taken over Eliza's pink scooter and is riding it very well.  Family bike rides, here we come!

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