Tuesday, May 1, 2012


How did it get to be May already?  April flew by.  Ezra now has 8 teeth...the better to bite us with!  The other day he bit my shoulder and I yelped and he cracked up.  I have to try not to react when he does it, so as to not encourage him, but his grin is just so cute and mischievous!  In bigger news, on Wednesday, April 25th Ezra really started walking!  He took 5 steps in a row a few times a day.  The first time we walked across the living room to his activity table.  The 2nd time he was walking to me. :)  His sister is adamant that he isn't walking; "he's just taking steps!"  But, his progress this week has been tremendous to watch.  Now he's taking up to 10 steps at a time, all day long.  I told S this morning, how amazing would it be if last Wednesday I learned a couple of French words, and less than a week later I had become a proficient French speaker?  It's so amazing to see how quickly he perfects new skills!  Speaking of new skills, I think this summer we (and by "we" I mean her father ;)) need to take the training wheels off of her bike; she's speeding around like crazy.  A little jealousy aside, she's also SUCH a good big sister.  Last night I overheard a "conversation" between the two of them.  Eliza was saying very calmly and quietly, "Ezra, you need to listen to my words.  You need to stay on the sidewalk when you walk; stop trying to go in the parking lot and on the road.  That's being dangerous."  So cute.  Everytime he sees her, his face lights up.  And she tries so hard to take care of him; although that occasionally means she accidentally knocks him down while trying to "help" him. 

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