Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to school...

We're getting into the swing of a new routine over here. Eliza is loving her new teacher, Ms. Claudete. Claudete has already taught Eliza 2 Spanish songs and she's really loving circle time and art. One of Eliza's teachers is African American. During dinner the other night Eliza said out of the blue, "Ms. S's skin is brown. My skin is white. It's not brown like hers. Yet." We found the "yet" part to be pretty funny. Like if she just spent enough time in the sun, she'd get there eventually. :) She also said randomly, "When dinosaurs go away, it stinks!" It took us a minute to figure out they'd been learning about dinosaurs at school and she meant extinct. Heh.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

The "yet" cracks me up too! Too funny.