Thursday, September 4, 2008

Those vocabulary flashcards are really paying off...

Just kidding, we don't make Eliza use flashcards, but she understands a lot of words now!

Words she understands but doesn't say yet: dog, up, splash, bite, drink, peek a boo, diaper, spoon, bye bye, hi, jump, dance, and no (She grins every time we tell her no. It's so hard not to grin back!).

Words she says: Daddy, Mommy, ball, bear!

She's waving and clapping like crazy now, plus when we say "jump jump" she jumps up and down in her Exesaucer. So cute!

She also knows how to crawl traditionally now, but spends most of her time army crawling or cruising. She's taken a few more steps here and there but she's much faster crawling. And she does this thing when she wants to change directions while sitting- she uses the heels of her feet to pivot herself around. It's hard to explain; I'll try to get a video of it.

It seems like she learns something new each day! ~T

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