Monday, April 26, 2010


Lately Eliza has been saying "Oh ming dosh!" and "What the heck?!" Clearly she imitates anything she hears us saying. Frankly I'm just happy this has been the worst of it so far. :) She's also been having a lot of conversations with her babies lately. I heard her tell JackieBaby, "I love you so much! I go to work now and you go to school. You'll have a lot of fun! I always come back." Wonder where she's been hearing that lately? In other news, she keeps telling us her real life friend James lives in the shed behind our house. She likes to knock on his door and say hello.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Madeline went through a phase where at any given point half of her dolls / animals were in time out. She has a bear that she calls grandma, and it was really awesome to hear her yelling, "Grandma! I said no hitting!!!! You are in TIMEOUT!!!!" My mom did not find that as amusing as we did.
Also, I love the bluebonnet picture! She is so pretty!