Monday, April 26, 2010


Lately Eliza has been saying "Oh ming dosh!" and "What the heck?!" Clearly she imitates anything she hears us saying. Frankly I'm just happy this has been the worst of it so far. :) She's also been having a lot of conversations with her babies lately. I heard her tell JackieBaby, "I love you so much! I go to work now and you go to school. You'll have a lot of fun! I always come back." Wonder where she's been hearing that lately? In other news, she keeps telling us her real life friend James lives in the shed behind our house. She likes to knock on his door and say hello.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our little longhorn

Eliza started a new school last week. She finally got a spot at the school next door to my office. So now every morning we commute together. She loves my parking garage, the glass elevator, loves waiting for the Walk sign at the crosswalk and loves seeing all the UT students with their backpacks. She's quite proud of her Dora backpack (really a lunch box) and likes that she's a "student", like everyone else on campus. The first morning every person we passed she asked, "Who is that, Mama?" and I said "a UT student." Now she says "Hook 'em horns, students!" when we pass everyone on our walk. I'm quite certain they have no idea what she's saying, but it's adorable. My office is next to the UT Tower, so every time she hears the tower clock chiming, she says "I hear your office singing!"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Marna's Wedding

Marna looked amazing, but I don't have any good pictures of her yet. Our little family didn't look too shabby either!