Thursday, September 17, 2009


Eliza's dad's family has a bit of an icecream obsession. His mom used to spell out the word rather than saying to avoid everyone going wild. I think Eliza has inherited the icecream gene. She learned the word about a month ago and now she asks for icecream all the time. Tuesday night she was "helping" me cook and decided to help herself to a can of coconut milk. She decided this was icecream and I didn't stop her as she dipped her carrots into it. Last weekend she found just the top of a Sonic lid on the cabinet and knew we had eaten icecream after she went to bed. Last night she got out her tea cup and spoon, sat down and proclaimed "Eliza's icecream" out of the blue, then proceeded to eat pretend icecream for half an hour. We got a video of her saying "I want icecream" and I'll try to remember to upload it later. In the meantime, we'll be staging an intervention. And it's probably time for us to curtail our own icecream consumption as well...

1 comment:

Linda said...

Too cute! Have you introduced her to chocolate gravy?