Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Oobleck is very messy when Ezra is around. :)

I never knew how exciting a 15 minute commute could be until I had kids with me in the car. Something about being in the car makes Eliza ask really deep questions.  The other day she blurted out, "Is it true that everyone dies?"  I almost choked.  She also asked last week why we have crosses all over town when Jesus died on a cross.  I said something about to remind us how much he loves us but confirmed that it is a bit weird.  If someone I loved was killed by a gun, I wouldn't wear a gun around my neck, right? 

Ezra gets very excited in the car now that he's forward facing.  He points out every truck and bus he sees.  "Whoa, BUS!!!"  Granted we pass about 50 in 15 minutes but he never loses his excitement.  I told Scott I think this is how Ezra is going to learn his colors.  I try to point out the color of the bus or truck now. 

Ezra has also finally gotten excited about books.  I've definitely felt some second kid guilt over my lack of reading to him.  We've read 3 books to Eliza every night since she was tiny.  And we've certainly tried to do the same with Ezra, but he usually won't sit still for more than 30 seconds and runs off mid book.  So, I hadn't been trying as much lately.  But, in the last week or so he's started climbing into his bed, pointing at his book shelf, saying book and patting his pillow so I'll come get in bed with him and read.  And he can finally make it through 3 or 4 books in a row without running away.  He definitely prefers books about automobiles, bugs and animals. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I had a bit of an aha moment this morning before the kids woke up.  See, the specialty children's sunblock I had ordered online arrived.  Now, we have plenty of sunscreen already.  But, last week I read an article about how we really needed this other kind because it was the safest and offered the best protection.  So I bought it.  And I realized this morning what I was trying to accomplish with all of this BPA free, organic, nitrate free, no hormones, paba free, no artificial colors, etc. etc. stuff all over our house.  I was trying to maintain control, trying to guarantee my kids would always be safe. 

And if I eat enough kale and cut down on my meat consumption and exercise regularly, maybe I'll be guaranteed to live until I'm 90 and by then my kids won't need me anymore. 

But, even if we do everything exactly right, there are no guarantees.  And we're never really in control.  Even if we homeschooled the kids, and never took them to the grocery store, or the movies, or to big events liked marathons in order to support loved ones and make memories, we can't guarantee they'll be safe.  And it's heartbreaking and frustrating.  And if we did keep them in a bubble, what kind of life would that be? 

So, we'll keep getting out there, taking small risks in order to live our lives to the fullest.  And, in the meantime, I'll change the station when the news comes on and try to keep the little ones from figuring out just yet how awful the world can be.  When they do figure it out, I'll remind them of all the good things and good people too. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Eliza has been on the cusp of reading for a while but she really made some progress yesterday. Both kids stayed home with S and when I got home from work, Eliza proudly read 3 of her Bob Books to me! Some of the words she memorized and some she sounds out.  She's doing a lot of inventive spelling too.  The other day she told me she'd figured out how to spell guitar- ctr. 

It's fun to watch Ezra learn how to talk at the same time Eliza is learning how to read.  They're on about the same level, so we'll play blocks together and Ezra will learn how to say car at the same time Eliza's learning how to spell car, etc. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Funny girl

There are two songs currently being played on the radio a lot with the lyrics, "Keep your head up." Eliza cracked us up the other day after we met a newborn friend and she said, "Babies should listen to this song." :)

She's also been singing Gangnam Style a lot lately.

So the current fashion statement for the sorority girls on campus is to wear an extra large t-shirt with short running shorts.  One of the part time teachers at preschool, Ms. Emily, is a sorority girl.  (Side note: She's one of the Chi Os we met when they invited us to take shelter with them during the bomb scare.  She applied for a job at the preschool shortly thereafter.) When I picked Eliza up Thursday, one of the teachers said, "I was in a bad mood until I saw Eliza today.  She asked Ms. Emily in front of everyone, "Why don't you ever wear pants?!"  Ms. Emily apparently said, "I wear shorts, see?" to which Eliza replied, "Well, no one can see those!"  Mr. Steven said Eliza just said what everyone else had been thinking for months.