Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fist Pump!

Yesterday I had two proud parent moments... Last night Eliza and I went swimming at Northwest Pool.  She repeatedly went all the way under water to retrieve her pink goggles.  I'm not sure who was prouder- her or me!  Last night at dinner Ezra signed "all done" and said "Done!"  He did it again this morning.  I have a feeling he understands a lot more than we give him credit for.  The kids have gotten into the phase where they are starting to fight over toys.  Specifically Ezra has grown attached to Eliza's pink baby stroller.  Yesterday they temporarily settled things when Ezra started pushing Eliza around in the stroller.  Wish I hadn't gotten a pic!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Chaos

Never a dull moment over here!  Ezra had a fun-filled first birthday, we celebrated Father's Day, Eliza's been having a blast at VBS all week, both kids are loving their new classes at school.  We've been spending a lot of time playing in the backyard and enjoying summer, splash pads, swimming pools, snow cones and all.  Ezra is quite the little monkey, climbing everything in sight and crazy about dogs, cats and ducks.  Eliza gets smarter and funnier every day and I love seeing how her brain works. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Missing Our 11:00 Date

Dear Ezra, every weekday at 11am for the past 9 months you and I have had a milk date in the rocking chair of the Infant Room at school.  Today is your first day in the Toddler Room with Ms. Sarah.  I wasn't sure if our dates would continue.  I peeked in at you promptly at 11:00 and you were having a blast with all the toys in your new room.  As much as I look forward to seeing you, with your recent separation anxiety, I knew it would be disruptive for you to see me and then have me leave again.  So I left and made sure Ms. Sarah knew where to find your sippy cup.  Going 8 hours straight without seeing you will be hard, little man.  XOXO, Mama

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy birthday, Baby Boy!

Tomorrow we break out the cupcakes and sing happy birthday to our little man.  Ezra, we love you so much.  Love your gap-toothed grin, your sparkly blue eyes and the way you rub your eyes just like your Daddy when you're tired.  I can't believe how quickly this year has passed.  And I can't believe how much of a boy you already are... When Eliza turned one, a couple of people gave her dolls.  I thought she was too young for them but she almost immediately started feeding them with pretend baby bottles and acting like a "girl," much to my surprise.  Now I watch you stand on top of chairs, try to jump into the water at Sea World, bite, knock things down and giggle each time you do.  And you seem like such a boy already!  You say duck, dog, ball and "boon" (balloon) now.  You follow your sister around and want to do everything she does.  You practically run everywhere you go.  Today you ran through a splash pad at a 4 year old's birthday party.  You fall down constantly and get right back up.  You spent your first birthday with a bruise on your forehead.  You throw balls and kick.  It's incredible to see how much you've changed in only a year.  I hope you won't be too busy exploring to snuggle with your mama once in a while!  XOXO. 

Friday, June 1, 2012


Papa & Grammy took us camping this week.  Both kids enjoyed swimming and Ezra loved chasing the ducks.  I think the s'mores might have been Eliza's favorite part.  My favorite part was someone else doing all the cooking!  The sunset was pretty spectacular too.