Saturday, October 22, 2011

One Year Later

A year ago tomorrow, we told Eliza she was going to be a big sister. Then we took a picture of her reaction. We also went to the Elgin Pumpkin Patch again this year and once again, Scott did 99% of the work while we carved pumpkins. This year our little pumpkin family has grown! Maybe next year Ezra will carve his own pumpkin. Eliza helped carve hers this time, but she wasn't nearly as excited about getting the gooey seeds out.

p.s. Why was that text underlined? I have no idea. And why was Eliza wearing a crown that day? I'm pretty sure she demanded that I make her a crown out of construction paper that morning for no apparent reason. And yes, we told her about the baby in the car. And 5 minutes later she told everyone she knew. And then we remembered why we had been waiting to tell her. ;)


The other night as I was tucking Eliza in she said, "I love you, Mom." And I said, "I love you all the way to the moon!" She promptly replied, "I love you all the way to Jupiter!" Both of our kiddos love to snuggle with us, and now they like to snuggle with each other. Most mornings as soon as Eliza wakes up, she wants me to bring Ezra to her room so they snuggle before getting out of bed. Adorable. We are very lucky.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The best parts of the week thus far:

  • Eliza singing along to songs on the radio. Lately she's loving Adele, Bob Schneider and Johnny Cash.

  • Ezra trying out the exersaucer for the first time. He looks like such a big boy in it! And he's so excited to be able to "stand up" on his own.

  • One of the boys in Eliza's class has been getting into trouble for saying "potty words." The boy's dad said he asks Eliza if his son was a good boy or not and Eliza keeps count of how many potty words he says a day and reports back!

  • Ezra getting to wear some of his winter clothes, including an adorable pair of jeans today.

  • I'm accustomed to Eliza doing tons of cool art projects at school, but now Ezra is doing art too! His teachers helped him make this adorable little bat using his hand prints and foot prints!

  • Eliza told me she wants to work at UT like me when she grows up. I'm hoping she'll branch out a little, but it was still cute nonetheless. :)

  • Ezra was in a super giggly mood last night. He's learned how to squeal and every time he would squeal we would mimic him. He thought that was hilarious. So we all sat around in bed making Ezra laugh.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Yesterday I took both kiddos to the pedi. At 4 months, Ezra weighs 17 lbs 2 ounces and is now 25 1/2 inches tall. That puts him in the 90-95th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height. His head circumference is 43 7/8 cm, which is also the 90th percentile. What can I say? We make big babies over here. Eliza was just there for a flu vaccine but they measured and weighed her too. She weighs 36 pounds and is 39 inches tall. I'm not sure on the percentile stuff for that. I do know that she too was 95th percentile for weight at Ezra's age, and you wouldn't know it by looking at her now. Eating nothing but apples, ham, carrots and granola bars may have something to do with that. Speaking of weight, it seems trying to "have it all" is a pretty good diet plan. I've lost 5 pounds this month without even noticing. Next month should be calmer...