Monday, February 21, 2011

Plans for the future

Eliza told us recently that when she grows up, she plans to have a yellow art car (she's already saving in her piggy bank). She also wants to live in a pink house. She plans to have 2 kids named Fern and Maggie. And she plans to have a dark purple cat. She had hoped to have a dog as well, but it turns out one of her future kids is allergic to dogs. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Eliza has an imaginary friend. An imaginary husband, actually. His name is Maney. Maney has long, "yellow" hair (which I find amusing since she doesn't know mane means hair) and likes to wear dresses. Eliza and Maney got engaged around the same time that Ms. Jessica at school got engaged. She wore a ring for a couple of weeks and everything. At some point in the past couple of weeks there must have been an imaginary wedding because now she is calling him her husband instead of her fiance. And they already have a baby (JackieBaby). The other night she was sitting at her little white table feeding Jackie in her high chair and telling Maney about her day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Beginning of Beanie

It's been a while since this happened, but I'll forget it if I don't write it down...

Keep in mind that we found out I was pregnant with Eliza while staying in a very romantic hotel in Istanbul.... Our second kid is already getting the short end of the stick. It's not the most romantic story, but it's ours!

September 23, 2010

S was working late and I was tired and didn't feel like cooking, so E and I stopped at Mandola's for dinner on the way home. Halfway through our meal, someone opened the door to the bathroom, across the restaurant. All of a sudden I could smell cleaner from across the room... and I knew. I had the same bionic nose when I was pregnant with Eliza.

We went home and soon S came home too. I kept debating within myself whether or not I should take a pregnancy test. I knew I could only be 3 weeks pregnant, and surely a pregnancy test couldn't be reliable this early. I decided not to get S excited over probably nothing and slipped off to the bathroom to take a test. About 5 seconds after I peed on the stick, Eliza busted into the bathroom. "I need to poop, Mom!" "Sweetie, use the other bathroom. I'm, um, busy in here." "No Mom, I need to go NOW and I need help with my pants!" So, I hopped up, got distracted by getting her situated on the toilet and then remembered the test a minute later and glanced at it. Two lines! "Uh, honey?! Come in here, please!" S came into the bathroom, having no idea what was waiting for him (probably expecting a potty training emergency of some sort). I pointed to the test and grinned. Eliza couldn't figure out why we were so happy all of a sudden. And that was the beginning of Beanie. Later that night we went to watch Kat Edmonson at Shady Grove and the four of us sat on a blanket and looked at the stars.