It's only taken me three and a half months, but here's Eliza's blog in all it's splendor.
I hope you've enjoyed her little
Picasa albums in the meantime. They're still available at http://picasaweb.google.com/hawleysw or just double click the slide shows to the left.
If you're completely confused by all of the above, then I have wonderful news to share. We had a baby! Eliza is 3 1/2 months old now and is really "waking up" from her newborn stage. She's finally doing all those stereotypical baby things. Here's a few of her favorites:
- Smiling: She'll smile at anything. Her mother, me, shadows, infomercials, ceiling fans, you name it she'll grin at it.
- Boobs: She can't get enough of them.
- Spit and spit bubbles: Saliva everywhere!
- Grabbing and marking stuff with the abundant saliva.
- Posing: Campaign stickers, banana peels, diapers. If you put it on her head, it's fashionable. (see photos)
We hope you enjoy.